It’s Not Love — How Clients SHOULD Choose Their Agency

MERGE Storytellers
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2021


From someone who has been on both sides

By Candace Graham, SVP, Group Business Development Leader, MERGE

Having been a client and having gone through the agency review process earlier in my career, selecting an agency partner is both a blessing and a curse. On the blessing side, it’s fun! You get to hear new ideas, meet new people, think about your business differently…and get seduced. Then there’s the curse side. Informing the finalists they didn’t win — that’s just the pits.

What’s apparent to me after working in agency business development on too many pitches to count is that clients don’t always think about the long-term when selecting an agency partner. They get seduced! A big idea with super sexy creative can easily beat out a thoughtful strategy coupled with hard-working creative, a fantastic media plan, and attribution modeling.

People often compare client-agency relationships with human relationships, and the comparison is absolutely appropriate! At face value, it’s everything you could’ve ever wanted and more. The first few dates, boy, that person is the BOMB! Super exciting! Then, slowly but surely, the onion gets peeled. Perhaps said person loses their luster, and reality sets in. The same is true with agencies.

But the main difference is that while human relationships have a huge emotional component, client-agency relationships should not be based on emotion. I’m not saying that clients shouldn’t be emotional about their agency’s work or people…they just need to approach with a true understanding of their business challenges to best identify that long-term agency partner.

That said, here are the top 5 reasons to choose an agency:

  1. They know what makes you tick. They’ve done their homework, dug much deeper than the RFP, and shown an inspired curiosity about you and your business. A little bit like checking someone out online before that first date…they’re genuinely intrigued and have to know more before meeting you.
  2. They have the capabilities you need. Seems like a no-brainer, right? You’d be surprised by how many clients are seduced by that sexy agency name! That case study they just love! Who among us hasn’t fallen prey to that attractive person who sounds good and looks even better? Heck, I know that I have. But the agency’s got to have the skills.
  3. They have proven results and strong examples. Now, is it nice if an agency has in-category experience and success? Sure. But oftentimes, an agency with proven results outside of your category might have a fresh take on your business. It’s like dating someone outside of your normal “type” — potentially better for you as a person (or company), refreshing, and illuminating in ways you didn’t consider!
  4. They have people who you respect and like. Yes, this is important! This is an intimate partnership and should be treated as such. You don’t want to work day-in and day-out with folks who may be the best in the business but with whom you disdain and dread speaking.
  5. They understand your budget realities. Clients, this means you’ve got to be transparent so the agency can provide the best value for your money. You don’t want to misrepresent who you are when you’re dating — don’t pretend that you’re a filet mignon. There’s nothing wrong with being a really great cheeseburger.

Oh, if your company is going through or planning an agency review, don’t forget to let me know! Let’s be sure that MERGE can participate…and seduce you all a little.



MERGE Storytellers

MERGE blends storytelling with technology to promote health, wealth and happiness in the world for the best purpose-driven brands of today and tomorrow.